Disney Cruise Dining - Beach Blanket Buffet Review
Beach Blanket (Breakfast and lunch) During our amazing 7-night cruise we eat at Beach Blanket at least three times – it was tasty and offered so much variety. When it came to breakfast we at “sit-down restaurants” three times, one of which was required, and then we alternated between Parrot Cay and Beach Blanket on the other days. We also ate at Beach Blanket for lunch on our day in Ketchikan. Everything we ate there was delicious – so now we’re going to do an overview of both meals at this awesome buffet and highlight our favorites. There is inside and outside seating here – we loved sitting outside! Some of the outside seating is covered and some if not. Sitting all of the way at the back of the ship and just watching the water behind us while we enjoyed out meal was pretty cool and relaxing. Breakfast The breakfast buffet has just about anything that you could want for the first, and most important, meal of the day. The restaurant has two sides, but in most ...