Adventure Awaits!

 Our last family adventure was at the end of December, it was only a few months ago, but a lot has happened since then. It feels like it was FOREVER ago! Our next adventure is just around the corner, though! In just over two weeks we’ll be leaving Texas and starting our road trip towards our new home in South Carolina.

Just like to get anywhere, we’ll be spending most of our first day on the road driving in Texas. We’re planning on stopping for the first night in Louisiana, and continuing with our road trip tradition of pizza for dinner on the first night. After that we’ll drive through a bigger part of Mississippi than we have in the past, and then stop in Alabama for the night. The plans for that night involve checking out an ice cream shop that we found online during our pre-trip research.

On the last day of the trip, we’ll finishing driving through Alabama, drive through Georgia, and then make it to our house in South Carolina. The kids and I have never been to Georgia, or South Carolina, so we’re excited to add new states to the list of ones we’ve visited.

We’re all looking forward to moving! It’s funny, the last time we moved Christian was about to turn two. He loved helping to load the moving truck, but he didn’t really understand what was happening. Now, he’s helping to pack, he’s excited about loading the truck, and he’s incredibly excited about our new house that, “HAS TWO FLOORS!” Bella is excited, too. She’s going to turn three a few days after we complete our move, and for the last couple of weeks she’s keeps talking about going to South Carolina. She’s been helping to pack, too.

The move is going to be here crazy fast. When we started getting the house ready, and put it up for sale, it seemed like the two months before we left has a ton of time. Now we’re getting down to the wire, and there’s still SO MUCH that needs to be done, but most of it can’t be done until the last few days before we leave.

We’ll be sure to tell you about any fun places we check out along the way!

How far was your last move?!


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